User:Bill Donnelly

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Long-time 1802 officiando since the 1976 Popular Electronics magazine issue about the COSMAC Elf. Mostly a computer programmer with some electronics experience as a hobbyist. Worked in various positions and all aspects of computer work, as a Computer Programmer / Analyst, Software Engineer, Information Specialist, Database Programmer, Systems Analyst and Consultant since the mid-1980's. Fluent in several high-level programming languages, proficient in many others, with experience in too many others, from machine coding and assembly to 4GL programming, on microcomputers, minicomputers and mainframes, under many Operating Systems, and with several databases. Enjoys programming in various dialects of BASIC and web programming in PHP with MyQSL database. Also burgeoning graphic artist, website designer/implementer, experienced technical writer and wanna-be indie filmmaker.

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